By Alexis Cunningham •

I find myself asking: What is it I need to know about how to “hold” my body as it ages? The answer? Be gentle with this body that has carried me for this length of time.

I notice that, as they age, some people stop appreciating what their body can do. They often concentrate only on what it can no longer do, or doesn’t do as well as it once did. I can choose to be at war with the aging process or to engage it with a modicum of Grace. I acknowledge that it can be frustrating to be slower than I would like, not see as well as I once did, or to experience pain and discomfort and a host of other conditions.That said, it is only a problem if I do not come into an acceptance of the inevitability of the ultimate letting go of the physical form.

This acceptance does not come overnight. It is much like the grief process: frustration (anger), sadness (wishing for the body I once had), bargaining, (new regimens, diets, doctors, etc.), denial (pushing myself beyond my limits), and finally acceptance, appreciating where I am and what capabilities I still have.

It is a blessing to be in a human form, no matter what age or condition. There will come a moment for us all when we realize that this form has taken us as far as it can, and is ready to be released. Until then, I am at peace with my process and enjoy what this body is capable of. I can enjoy my family, friends and the world around me.

This body is a gift, no matter the condition, whether filled with energy and vitality or a bit slow and tired. It still houses my Spirit; who I have always been and who I am now. I will continue to investigate my beliefs about my physical form. If these beliefs are creating suffering, I will find a way to release them. If they bring peace, I will embrace and share them. As Bobby McFerrin said, “Don’t worry, be happy.”

We’re all in this together.

More about Alexis Cunningham at Inner Awakenings.

Author Alexis Cunningham